Länkar och Nyheter: Japanese Man Marries Videogame Character
I gårdagens program utlovade vi länkar till våra tips för att "nörda" till era liv, och även förra veckans tips från SEX!-programmet ska länkas (Olas rekommenderade sexleksak var badbollen [http://www.hemmagjorda-sexleksaker.com/badboll.html] och om man vill hitta de andra så klicka runt i huvudmenyn till vänster.
Vi pratade nörd-bröllop igår och det kan väl knappast bli värre än såhär? [nyheten hämtad ifrån megagames](http://www.megagames.com/news/html/console/japanesemanmarriesvideogamecharacter.shtml)
Nene Anegasaki
Earlier this week, a Japanese gamer called SAL9000 married the love of his life, Nene Anegasaki, in a beautiful ceremony that was watched by 3000 viewers online in addition to those who showed up in person at the ceremony.
So, what is the big news? Simple! Nene is a 100% fictional videogame character that doesn't exist outside of Nintendo DS's "love simulator" game, Love Plus.
After a series of -in game- dates and whispers of love (through the DS's microphone), SAL9000 - like many other gamers - finally got to kiss Nene for the first (by actually kissing the DS screen). At that moment, SAL9000 decided to take things one step further and proceeded to marry the love of his heart.
Not legally binding in anyway, the ceremony proceeding pretty much like any normal wedding, with an MC, a DJ, speeches from friends and family member, nostalgic slideshows, wedding music, tossed bouquet and a real priest.
The entire affair was broadcasted online. " Both the actual wedding space and the livecasting web site were full on the day of - I'm so happy so many people were able to witness this," SAL9000 commented. "There were over 3,000 connections and 7,000 comments made online, and the people who showed up in person at the ceremony also offered their congratulations. It was great."
"Now that the ceremony is over, I feel like I've been able to achieve a major milestone in my life. Some people have expressed doubts about my actions, but at the end of the day, this is really just about us as husband and wife. As long as the two of us can go on to create a happy household, I'm sure any misgivings about us will be resolved," the groom added.
SAL9000 and his bride plan to visit his parents on New Year's Eve to break the news to them.
Earlier this week, a Japanese gamer called SAL9000 married the love of his life, Nene Anegasaki, in a beautiful ceremony that was watched by 3000 viewers online in addition to those who showed up in person at the ceremony.
So, what is the big news? Simple! Nene is a 100% fictional videogame character that doesn't exist outside of Nintendo DS's "love simulator" game, Love Plus.
After a series of -in game- dates and whispers of love (through the DS's microphone), SAL9000 - like many other gamers - finally got to kiss Nene for the first (by actually kissing the DS screen). At that moment, SAL9000 decided to take things one step further and proceeded to marry the love of his heart.
Not legally binding in anyway, the ceremony proceeding pretty much like any normal wedding, with an MC, a DJ, speeches from friends and family member, nostalgic slideshows, wedding music, tossed bouquet and a real priest.
The entire affair was broadcasted online. " Both the actual wedding space and the livecasting web site were full on the day of - I'm so happy so many people were able to witness this," SAL9000 commented. "There were over 3,000 connections and 7,000 comments made online, and the people who showed up in person at the ceremony also offered their congratulations. It was great."
"Now that the ceremony is over, I feel like I've been able to achieve a major milestone in my life. Some people have expressed doubts about my actions, but at the end of the day, this is really just about us as husband and wife. As long as the two of us can go on to create a happy household, I'm sure any misgivings about us will be resolved," the groom added.
SAL9000 and his bride plan to visit his parents on New Year's Eve to break the news to them.